Dental Pulp Infection And Root Canal Treatment

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Dental Pulp Infection And Root Canal TreatmentWhen the pulp of your tooth gets infected due to persisting decay or injury, a successful root canal treatment allows you to keep your tooth, rather than having it extracted. Saving your natural tooth is important as it prevents your other teeth from shifting out of place.

Otherwise known as endodontic therapy, root canal treatment is the surgical removal of infected, injured, or dead dental pulp. Essentially the sensory component of a living tooth, the dental pulp consists of nerves, blood vessels, and soft tissues.

Dental Pulp Infection

When mouth-dwelling bacteria penetrates the tooth mainly through deep dental cavities, the tooth often becomes abscessed. It is abscess that most often causes dental pulp inflammation and infection. Once infected, the dental pulp causes persisting dental pain and swelling. If left untreated, an infected dental pulp tends to cause serious oral health issues.

What Happens During Root Canal Treatment

After administering a local anesthetic to numb the tooth, your dentist, using precision instruments, will carefully remove the infected dental pulp. During the procedure, your dentist Campbelltown will place a rubber dam around the tooth to prevent exposure from mouth-dwelling bacteria.

Once dental pulp is removed, the inside of your tooth are cleaned and disinfected. Your dentist will then seal your tooth with rubber-like gutta percha filling. To fully maximize the effects of root canal therapy, your dentist Campbelltown caps your tooth with prosthetic dental crowns.

Dentist In Campbelltown

There is no point in suffering through debilitating dental pain. With years of accumulative experience, precision equipment, and the most advanced dental technology at its disposal Campbelltown Dental Care provides high-quality endodontic treatment to the local Campbelltown community and its surrounding areas.

Call us on 02 4620 5919 or book your appointment online and claim your FREE dental consultation today!


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