Your Dental Christmas Survival Guide

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Over the Christmas season more than ever we are tempted by loads of treats that are difficult to resist and avoid. But there are some things you can do this Christmas to minimise the risk of dental decay with our dental Christmas survival guide.

1. No matter how late or how tired you feel, don’t let your routine slip: always brush twice daily and floss whenever you can (once a day is ideal, but once a week is better than nothing.) ...

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Same day dental crowns. Yes, it’s a thing! (and it’s called CEREC)

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You have chipped or cracked a tooth and you need it fixed, fast.

You need a crown.

Dental crowns are pretty common. That’s because they’re such a great solution for all sorts of dental problems because they cover and protect your tooth.

If you’ve ever gotten a dental crown at a practice that didn’t offer CEREC same-day crowns, chances are you know all about the hassle of making standard crowns.

It’s usually a two-week waiting period, while you wear an uncomfortable temporary crown until ...

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Do you squirm at the thought of visiting the dentist?

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You are DEFINITELY not alone.

The sounds of drills and those sharp scary looking dentist tools can be enough to scare anyone away.

Sometimes it can be a bad dentist experience as a child that still haunts us as adults.  It’s not uncommon to lose sleep the night before a dentist appointment.  We know the fear is real – and ...

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